Thursday, September 10, 2015

Medical Spa : Project Overview

As we continue to develop our medical spa project, an important next step is the project overview.  Pat and Chris Helf, a doctor and therapist team, have secured prime real estate in the outskirts of the pristine Napa Valley of California.  The area is well populated with various wildlife, native to the mountainous region and is within a park like setting with many water features in the area.  It is very important to provide a tranquil setting and incorporate stress reducing techniques for the clients.

After seeing family members deal with multiple sclerosis, the couple saw the need of more holistic options to treat this disease and they desire to tailor their facility to meet these needs.   The therapeutic medical spa will consist of approximately 4,600 square feet with a residential space of about 1,000 square feet on location within the medical spa. As much as possible, the design will include sustainable and environmentally friendly elements, to further implement the holistic feel.  As part of the project, we will also develop a name for the facility, a logo, and concept for the design.

The tranquil setting of the medical spa
 near Napa Valley, California

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