Thursday, September 10, 2015

Sanare Sensim Medical Spa : Gentle Healing

Continuing with our project for the Bienenstock Interior Design Competition, we are now in the process of naming the facility, developing a logo, and providing a concept statement for the design.  As noted in the project overview, prime real estate has been secured in the outskirts of the pristine Napa Valley of California.  With its abundant wildlife, beautiful park-like setting, and beautiful rivers, it proves to be a very relaxing location for the medical spa.


"Sanare Sensim" is a Latin phrase that means "gentle healing" and is the atmosphere that will be implemented throughout the facility.  The owners, Pat and Chris Helf, desire to provide patients with multiple sclerosis a therapeutic medical spa that will consist of approximately 4,600 square feet and will implement treatment therapies such as massage therapy, hydrotherapy, yoga, water exercise, and other stress reducing techniques.  It is very important in the healing process to provide a tranquil environment with low stress and few outside pressures.  To better serve their patients, the Helf's will live in a residential space of about 1,000 square feet on location within the medical spa.  Based on research into the psychology of color, a tranquil and soothing color scheme has been chosen. 
Soothing color palette to be implemented throughout design
The design will incorporate relaxing colors such as greens, beige, and other natural colors.  The facility will also incorporate peaceful water features within to provide a relaxing place for healing with as little stress as possible. The design will also include sustainable and environmentally friendly elements, to further implement the holistic feel.

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